Tonight I disgorged the remaining 2 bottles of 2017 bubbly. As the temperature is so low at the moment it’s the perfect time. More carbon dioxide dissolves in liquid the lower the temperature which means less gas will escape during the degorging process and it should not bubble over as much as if it were warmer.
I took each bottle in turn, and simultaneously flipped the bottle the right way up while opening the cap to disgorge the yeast sediment, then quickly pushed in a plastic stopper. You need specialist equipment to force a real champagne cork into a bottle which is why I’m using plastic stoppers.
The first bottle was successful, but on the second one the bottle opener slipped and the cap didn’t come off. I got the cap off on the second attempt but it was too late and a lot of yeast sediment mixed into the bottle. There’s not really much I can do now, I’m sure it will be drinkable, but doesn’t look great. You can see the difference in clarity in the following photos:
I have put wire cages on the stoppers and they are now ready to be drunk. I’m disappointed that one failed, but I guess I’ll get better with practise. I just wish I had more than 2 bottles to improve my skills!