Growing well

The vines are really growing well at the moment, and its looking like they will easily get to the height I need by the end of the season.  Even the new Orion vines are rocketing upwards.  In fact the growth is so vigourous I’m having to remove new buds and side shoots every few days.  It seems that as soon as my back is turned a new shoot has appeared.  The Regents are still growing very slowly though and are only a few inches tall – but this is better than nothing I suppose.

There’s not much else to do in the vineyard now until the end of the season apart from continuing to remove extra shoots, and when they reach the very top wires I will cut them at that point to let them continue putting any excess energy into root growth.



20130622_1546An Orion vine with side shoot to be removed

20130622_1545A very slow growing Regent

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