It isn’t really necessary to put in all the trellising at this early stage, and it could wait until after the vines are a year old before they need to be trained to any wires, but I just want to get everything set up.
There are so many different types of trellising and training methods that I’m not really sure which method is best suited for the varieties I am going to grow, but I’m going to go for what seems to be a fairly standard approach which is to have one main wire about 2ft off the ground and then pairs of wires at about 1ft intervals the rest of the way up the posts to guide the vines as they grow upwards.
This would suit either cane replacement or cordon spur training systems, and I don’t need to decide on which of these to use just yet. I may try both and see which works best. Or I may stumble over some information that says Orion or Phoenix are suited to a particular method.
I have put in some eyebolts to hold the main wire that will support the vines, and added three pairs of wires held in place with small wire staples.